Friday, December 31, 2010

A party in my hair!

I love putting my hair up, and especially now since I am trying to grow it out. I like to hide the length for a few days at a time, and then when I wear it down I think 'wow my hair IS getting longer' I think its just a mental thing...(like in my head mental. Not like Im crazy mental....right?)

I go through phases with braids and poofs and hats even. My styles change like with my moods, or the weather, or my inspiration. (What inspires you?)

A client a couple of weeks ago brought in the coolest new hair "toy." Its called a Spin Pin! It is a spiral shaped pin and you twist in your hair to get it to stay there. You use these instead of bobby pins, and usually need less of these then a normal bobby pin. They look something like this:

You simply press them toy our head and spin them. Quite easy, and they hold fine hair as well as thick hair. Long and short hair. 

They are available at Target or Walmart. Ive seen them at both places. 
Let me know if you try them out! 


1 comment:

  1. I have these. I like. Makes a bun or low chignon easy, but usually have to use some bobby pins for the few stray hairs.
