Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Beautiful breakfast

If you are like me you wake up fairly early every day, and if you are like me it is quite hard to eat breakfast that early in the morning. And if you are like me then by the time you are ready to eat, half the morning is gone and you might as well wait because lunch is right around the corner.

Or maybe you are really not like me at all, but that is ok because that is why I like you.

Every once in a while though I will stumble across something at the store that catches my fancy and I will think to myself "you know, I really need to eat breakfast again, I think I will try this." And off we go, me and my little ambitious spirit, and I will think, "this time I am going to stick with it and eat breakfast every morning forever!" And that little ambitious spirit will last maybe a week, and fizzle out. (I did call it a little spirit)

Well on my last conquest to the grocery store, while I was searching and searching the isles for yummy-ness  for my poor gluten free husband, I decided to be a little selfish and take a gander at the cereal isle. Behold! I found my new cereal that I promised myself I was going to stick to this time! I always go for the cereals with the little surprises of fruit in them! They make me smile as I eat them..crunching away on the cereal and "oh!" there's a little bite of sweet happiness! Reminds me of Boba tea! Yummm. Those little tapioca balls just make you smile.
(I have a great place we like to go, if you're interested)

Anyways back to my cereal...so I found this one from Kashi. So wonderful! But this time, I told myself, once I get bored with it, I will add bananas or another fruit to my bowl so I don't burn out. (because I easily do) So tomorrow will mark day 2 of my cereal eating routine. Lets see how far I go with this one! 



  1. I just recently started on the breakfast thing too... so far so good. Next time I think I'll try this one!

  2. Its called Dao's Tai Pans. They even have drive thru! :) Its that small restaurant by the hospital and the library and Joes crab shack, on Wilmot. The food is great too!

  3. Oh, I've been there!! Just might have to take a trip over there and then Buffalo Exchange on Wilmot. :)
