Monday, October 11, 2010

Sweet smiles and sticky hands

About one year six months and seven days ago (all approximate) I was forced into Auntie status. Don't get me wrong, I love being an aunt, and the wordage of the last sentence perhaps wasn't the best choice, but after the past few weeks, it fits. In my opinion, girls are quicker at picking things up, which makes raising them as polite, sweet princesses a lot harder! For instance "shut up". Seriously? What year-and-a half year old should be heard saying such inconsiderate phrases?!? But at the same time, and here comes the hard part of discipline, who cannot help but giggle when the sweetest little face with a high pitched voice says that in the most perfect of contexts? I mean look at this face!

So after the 'bad words' come out, you have to have a plan of action ready in your head. You have to be on your toes at all times with these little ones... there's too many surprises daily, so to minimize breakdowns (on your part) you must have some sort of formality to how things work. Heres a tip: have your 'bad girl' corner all picked out! And stick to that helps. 
And how about the biting! I mean, really? Who taught her that? I guess it doesn't help that she is familiar with the cute little english boy on YouTube who gets bit by his little brother "Charlie"  on the finger and thinks its soo hilarious. I mean she knows this video so well that "oww Charlie" comes out quite frequently. But let me tell you, when those tiny little teeth find the inside of your thigh while playing "all fall down" and make contact well enough to produce a nice purple bruise, that Charlie video is not so funny. "Bad girl" corner! 
Above all the 'bad words' and biting, and frustrations, there's a sweet little princess who loves being a girlie girl. Who loves sunglasses and "polish", "prince charming" and kitty kittys. Who copies all the good words you say as well, and calls for you when she's at Grandmas house. 
Those are what you think about when you agree to mother them for the day (or 2) and cannot wait for those special moments to be formed with them. So I have settled nicely in the auntie status and am ok with this, as I can hand her back and walk away satisfied that I have done my part in her growing up to be a well behaved, non biting little princess who loves having her nails painted, and trying on shoes (already, I know). 
Im sure hilarious stories will grace these pages of her growing up into the little lady she once will be. Until then I will leave you with one more sweet photo. I am a proud aunt :) 

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