Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Best kept secret

So when I started this blog I was planning on sharing all my greatest beauty/hair secrets that I have. But then I got to won't be a secret anymore if I put it out there for the world to know. But then I sat and thought longer, and that is incredibly selfish of me! How could I even think that way?  Geez!

Then this morning, like I do every mornings, as I was putting my makeup on, I was thinking about how wonderful this eyeshadow is. How, if my wonderful tanning, hairdresser, bubbly friend had not told me about this product, I would be, at this very moment, a completely different person. For reals.

So I am going to be unselfish and tell you all about it! First, just take a look at it:

How delectably beautiful do those look?! I cannot help but be in love with makeup. I started doing makeup for clients fairly recently, and have done makeup for a couple of shows. In doing this, people are constantly asking me what kind of eyeshadow do I use. Now when people see the finished product, I get guesses like 'Mac' or 'Urban Decay'. I am here to tell you this product is better then either of those! 

This is from a company : Coastal Scents. I know, it sounds like a candle shop, but it is not..and these eyeshadows are not your average shadow colors either! These are most likened to "Mac" colors because of the strength of the pigments. You will realize, upon using these, that you do not need a lot of shadow..a little goes a long way. 

I have 2 of their pallets, the 88 Ultra shimmer palate and the 78 piece makeup pallet which also has blush with the shadows. The 88 shimmer palate is..get this..$19.95!!! Great price. They also have other palates and other makeup options, however these are the only 2 I have tried. 

Definitely worth a try! They also make great gifts for friends (graduation). 

Try it out and let me know what you think! (Not responsible for any addictions caused from using this will happen)



  1. Rose! I love these. I have the neutrals pallet from Coastal Scents. And it IS awesome!!!

  2. I know I know!!! I won't stop until I have them all! :)

  3. Where do you get this wonderful treat?

  4. Google : Coastal scents
    You can only order online...that I know of. They are amazing, colors are great. Every time I have ordered something from there, they also send a small sample of a eyeshadow color. Kind of like a "Thank you" bonus. Really neat!
